How Hospital Management Software Facilitates the Healthcare Sector

In a growing era, the medical and health system have been transformed into overall digitalization. This ensures access to information for all the related stake holders and flawless operations at the hospital / clinic. Healthcare organizations are now becoming more relaxed and flexible in data access and management.

Aarogya, the hospital management software, contains smart features that can be used to improve operational efficiency and medical information management. Its system works like a healthcare facility program to ease the burden of healthcare practices.

Key Benefits for Doctors

The development and design of Aarogya healthcare software aim to systematize the healthcare industry by reducing the burden of daily operations. It is very advanced but easier to use for medical information management. Some key specific functions are highlighted, indicating that their functions make the doctor’s work more efficient.

Patient Data Management

Hospital Management Software

By using Aarogya, patient data management can be achieved with just a few clicks. Now hospitals no longer need paperwork because healthcare practices have been computerized.

Multi-Branch Support

The hospital management software – Aarogya, allows hospitals to manage multiple branches with a single software. This makes the work of doctors easier and more efficient in all aspects. Online multi-branch appointments, e-prescriptions and e-invoices can now be printed in seconds.

Manages O.T. Department

From scheduling future surgeries to book a certified surgeon or OT kit for scheduled surgery, Aarogya manages everything that a multi-specialty hospital needs in their OT departments.

Appointment and Scheduling

Hospital Management Software

The doctor can easily access the software anytime, anywhere, to notify patients of an upcoming appointment, schedule it accordingly or cancel it as per their schedule. Doctors can also track patient arrivals and also view the appointment calendar by the day, week or month. This helps to reduce the crowd in the hospital because there is no longer a queue.

Increased Nursing Productivity

Aarogya helps nursing staff to reduce their workload as the software provides nursing station and patient care functions through which they can easily manage Clinical Orders Entry and Capture Progress Notes of Patients, Drugs Prescriptions and Medicine Request Entry, Bed Transfer Intimations, Comprehensive Charts to Monitor Patient Conditions, etc.

Data Safety & Security

Hospital Management Software

Aarogya is very suitable for the requirements of doctors in hospitals/clinics. Doctors can access information at their convenience, and now there is no need for paper files to manage everything on the system.

T.P.A. Management

The software allows Healthcare Organizations to record TPA and insurance details for patients through TPA management feature. It also integrated with other modules for discharge summaries and other details.

Control Entire Workflow

The hospital management software is a unique module that helps maintain control of the entire workflow. From patients to medical information management to MIS reports, it only takes a few clicks in the system to be ready. It even lets you manage multiple branches with a single software.

So, would you like to try the best Hospital Management Software for your Hospitals or Clinics? Get schedule a demo with one of our sales representatives and see for yourself how awesome it is.

If you have any queries related to Aarogya, don’t hesitate to get in touch with, and we’ll be in touch via email.

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Handle Your Laboratory Operations Easily with Aarogya Pathology Software

The pathology software is a user-friendly system that can be used in the laboratory for patient data management and online laboratory reporting. Laboratories use it to maintain laboratory records of patients and improve efficiency. It is an intelligent software that allows pathologists to manage the laboratory efficiently. This reduces the paperwork and manual entry of making patient appointments and managing laboratory records. The purpose of developing pathology software is to bring convenience to pathologists and ease their burdensome work.

Aarogya Pathology Software

It is an efficient and fast reporting system that can safely manage all laboratory-related activities. Dataman has developed the software – Aarogya, taking into account the laboratory’s professional requirements for digital and automated laboratory control. Aarogya involves a set of functions built into the software that allows you to get rid of manual entries and paperwork. This lab software implements online appointment management, summary reports, billing, reduce costs, improve operational efficiency, increase profits and more. The diagnostic laboratory management software is fully integrated, which connects all your laboratory equipment with machine integration.

Aarogya’s Salient Features for its Pathology Software Module

Aarogya’s Pathology software is a Windows-based system that you can install in your laboratory to enhance patient care and improve quality. The software system can be used to schedule laboratory tests, patient details and test reports.

It saves time and effort by easily managing digital records. Therefore, we emphasize the most important features as follows:

Receive Investigation Request from OPD & IPD

This feature allows you to receive investigation requests from Outpatient & Inpatient Departments.

Aarogya Pathology Software

Patient Registration and Receipts Printing

Diagnostic Lab Management Software enables laboratory staff to register patients at your convenient time, which takes less time. You have a good time slot so that you can manage it accordingly. There is no need to use paper for appointment scheduling, as all activities can be performed digitally here.

Investigation Sample Collection

Pathology tests can be performed on many different types of samples. The most common are blood, urine, saliva, sputum, stool, semen and other body fluids and tissues. You can collect all investigation samples and submit them easily.

Generate Investigation Reports

This feature allows you generate investigation reports that contain the diagnoses confirmed by examining cells and tissues under a microscope.

Aarogya Pathology Software

Integration with Patient Billing Module

This module can help you digitize surgical procedures and patient data management and has a billing function that you can access with just a few clicks. Laboratory software helps maintain standards, manage error-free reports and other medical information related to the laboratory. This document processing is more efficient, and it requires the least time to create and maintain patient invoices.

About Company

Dataman provides laboratory software with unique features and modules at an affordable price. These run your lab and manage data without any paperwork. The best thing about software is completely customized according to your requirements. Dataman also provide fully customized Hospital Management System Software with reliable, cost-effective, and efficient features that can become the backbone of the success of the medical centers.

So, would you like to try the best pathology management software for your laboratory? Get schedule a demo with one of our sales representatives and see for yourself how awesome it is.

If you have any queries related to this Pathology Management Software, don’t hesitate to get in touch with, and we’ll be in touch via email.

Request a Demo

Hospital Management Software That Must Be Available in All Hospitals

Hospital management software or healthcare software is a system of software solutions built and developed to make it easier for various hospital departments to run smoothly. These software solutions tend to encompass all healthcare and medical solutions.

These software solutions make sure every healthcare department develops and maintains digital charts. Digital charts will enable healthcare officials to maintain records in a more efficient manner and spot and fix mistakes easily. This will increase the speed of the process of obtaining revenue.

 Important Healthcare Software Solutions

  • Electronic Health Recording Software (Ehr):

EHR Software collects the patients’ medical information and stores it. The medical information usually includes the patients’ change in medications, their consultations etc. This makes it possible for patients and their doctors to access their medical history and past consultations easily. The EHR software is of two types. These two types are namely:

  • Electronic Patient Record Software (Epr):

This software is used by hospitals to record and maintain their patients’ medical history.

  • Electronic Medical Record Software (Emr):

This software is used to store a patient’s recovery course information.

Pharmacies and medical shops usually prefer to add this software solution to their Pharmacy Management Software in India as these help them properly maintain their records.

  • Medical Database Software:

This software is also used to record and maintain the hospital’s patients’ medical histories and treatment plans. But, unlike the EHR, the patients’ histories are recorded under diseases and not names.

This software helps doctors make better medical decisions, and it also helps medical interns gain extra knowledge. For example, if a cardiologist suspects one of his patients has a blockage in their artery, he can relate the patient’s symptoms to their past symptoms and find out.

  • Medical Research Software:

As the name suggests, this particular software solution is used for learning and sharing more knowledge by studying various researches on many medical conditions. This software can also be used to find solutions and clinical remedies to certain diagnoses that don’t seem to be common, i.e., the research can be used to retrieve information regarding them.

  • Medical Diagnosis Software:

Like the name suggests, this software is used to diagnose a medical condition or a disease a patient is suspected of having obtained with the help of a highly intelligent AI system. This software enables doctors to exchange patient histories as anonymous files so that the information doesn’t get leaked. This software solution is usually recommended for the Blood Bank management software in India.

  • Medical Imaging Software:

This software is mainly used to process the medical scans like the MRI, CT and PET and obtain a proper and clear result. This software programme permits the clear three-dimensional viewing of the human anatomy.

It is also used for the designing and three-dimensional printing of body parts or equipment for research. For example, three-dimensional viewing and printing are usually used by orthodontists to view and print the patients’ teeth before a diagnosed orthodontic treatment. This software is recommended to be added to the Diagnostic Lab management software in India usually use these software solutions to provide better quality scans.


The software mentioned above solutions are essential for Indian hospitals to develop and provide better healthcare for the public. These software solutions make the systems of all the hospital departments better and more essential.